Mmm, guacamole and Korea FTW!

So here I am again, up at 11:15 pm watching women’s figure skating. As much as I love the Olympics, I’m pretty sure my body will appreciate me not forcing it to stay up till midnight, as well as all the anxiety and anticipation! Though my cousin sent me an email and in it he told me who won, so I guess no anxiety here. Still waiting to see how Joannie Rochette does though! I wish her the best.

My friend Lauren came over tonight to hang out and watch the Olympics. She brought Blue Moon, I made guacamole.

Fat Kid Confidential


I had never had guacamole until my senior year in high school when my friend found out and made it for me. I always thought it was kind of weird, until I tried it, then fell in love. I’ve only made a couple times, mainly because I can eat a whole large bag of tortilla chips in one sitting and not realize it, until I reach into the bag and it’s completely empty. I don’t really have a set ingredient standard when I make guacamole. Usually it’s as follows:

Sour cream – about a spoonful depending on how many avocados and how tangy
Cilantro – about 1/2-1 tbsp
Red Onion – I usually cut through one layer of half an onion and chop it into small pieces
Cherry or grape tomatoes – I like a lot of tomatoes… So I suppose it’s up to your taste
Squirt of lemon juice – again, depending on how tangy
Jalapeno – only if you can handle the spice!
Salt and pepper to taste

I got good reviews tonight so I guess it was good! I do think I put a tad bit too much sour cream in there and was lacking in the tomatoes and jalapeno. I’m headed back to my parents this weekend, so hopefully I’ll have some good Korean food to share with you next week!

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